Thursday, 10 May 2012

Sci fest

 Yesterday Ty's and some first years went to Tallaght IT to take part in Sci fest. Sci fest is a science competition. It is kind of like BT young scientist, which we went to earlier this year,but everyone can enter all you need to do is send an application.After the judging we were all aloud go to two talks about science. I went to "Howling jelly babies" and "Exploding vegetables". They were both really interesting and fun to watch.
So now I'm going to tell you a bit about my project! My science group (Shannon,Niamh and me) entered a project called "Which sense do you rely on most?". Everyone had to make a poster and a report book about your project. To find out which sense you rely on most we surveyed 50 people. After analysing our surveys we discovered that sight is the sense people rely on most, followed by hearing. We also found that smell is the sense people rely on least. Unfortunately my group didn't win any price's but lots of other groups from my school did.

Source of image

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